Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Committee Suit: The Creative Child Within

I am the Creative Child once hidden, who is now bursting forth in color and form. I am the one who sees the world through different eyes. I am the one who needs to take what is within me and express it outside of me. I can become lost within my many avenues of expression. I create with a child's freedom.

My gift to you is to teach you how to emmerse yourself in the process of creating, no matter what the end result is. It is in the process and application that changes you. My gift to you is to believe anything is possible, to birth these new possibilities with abandon. My gift is in exploring color and form and shape, to breathe life into clay, to capture the elements of pigment and water and to express the self with a visual component.

I want you to always create something from nothing - to take what is inside of you and bring it into the light for others to view. I want you to honor the "process" rather than the end result. I want you to learn more of the inner self through self expression and explore the non traditional that you feel pulled to explore. I don't want you to play it safe any more. I want you to write again and dance again and know that the visual form is not the only creation you can do. I want you to hold sacred all your creations and your ability for creativity rather than putting a value on it which may be determined merely by a sale. Know that in creating, you are also the Creator.

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The process of SoulCollage®

When I first discovered the process of SoulCollage® , I was attending an annual women's retreat in Arizona. As a professional artist, the workshop description of a creative collage experience really piqued my interest, particularly as it was focused on exploring the self - something very familiar to me. I had never heard of SoulCollage® but within the few hours of the workshop, I knew it touched me deep within my soul and spoke to me in a way that was a natural, creative companion to my journaling, writing, and self-discovery work. Working with these small creations, I leave the behind the world of the rational mind, concrete logic and the need to strive for perfection and I step into imagination, poetry and imagery as the process takes wings.

SoulCollage® is a unique process developed by therapist Seena Frost over twenty-five years ago which takes symbols, images, spiritual practices and reflection on archetypes to create small artistic collages that illustrates one's story. Each card is very personal and represents portions of one's journey, yet is also creative and fun to do as a group with others. Quiet reflection combined with the intuitive process of creating these collages opens up yet another world of expression as one taps into an inner knowing and journal the words, prayers and inspiration that arise from this process.

With this process, a deck of artistic cards is created - small collages that represent your personal mythology and the many aspects of your very self, your soul, and all the guides and companions that walk your journey with you. Each "suit" represents one of the following facets of your life: a part of your personality, people who support you, an animal that has special significance to you or a mythical or religious figure which guides you. Anyone can make these cards and there is no artistic skill needed. By "paying attention" to your life, the images from various ordinary magazines and other published works will almost choose you.

This blog was created in order to share my collages with students, family and friends that are interested and eager in begining this collage and journalling process.

- Debbie Cannatella